Armored Vehicles

Armored SUV

Armored Personnal Carrier

Armored Luxury Vehicles

Armored Pickups

Armored Cash-in-Transit

Armored Sedan

Armored Bus

Armored Vans

With 15 years of armour integration experience, Harrow provides secure, armoured mobility including cash-in-transit, passenger and military vehicles. With extensive manufacturing and R&D expertise, Harrow vehicles protect against multiple ballistic threats (from handgun to armour piercing and blast effects)

Whether you are looking for personal protection against simple street crime, or an advanced suit for sophisticated attacks, Harrow provides tailored solution to meets your need.

The car is completely dismantled, after which we integrate the ballistic steel panels. All OEM glass parts are replaced with ballistic glass: the windscreen, the lateral glass, the rear compartment glass and the rear door glass. The 5 wheels and rims are changed to cope with the new weight.

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